People make fun of the guy who stays home every night FacebookTwitter Why is the Earth round? FacebookTwitter There are so many great things FacebookTwitter It's not legendary unless FacebookTwitter Everyone's got some baggage FacebookTwitter If you have chemistry, you only need one other thing. FacebookTwitter If I could nail any celebrity FacebookTwitter You want to talk about my top five? FacebookTwitter No FacebookTwitter I used to be in such a hurry all the time. FacebookTwitter I realized that I'm searching FacebookTwitter There's a third option FacebookTwitter You'll love again someday FacebookTwitter They're six minutes into the date. FacebookTwitter Did you want me to kiss you? FacebookTwitter You dumped a porn star? FacebookTwitter Sometimes you fall for someone you'd never expect FacebookTwitter What color are her eyes? FacebookTwitter I'm pregnant. FacebookTwitter Do you wanna have dinner with me? FacebookTwitter1