I brought Chinese FacebookTwitter Fool me N times FacebookTwitter What would we have? FacebookTwitter My thinking about people who have wronged me… FacebookTwitter Excuse meeee!!!! FacebookTwitter I'm asking the university for some funding tomorrow FacebookTwitter What happened to our united front? FacebookTwitter I would rather FacebookTwitter I don't wanna talk to you right now either FacebookTwitter We have our whole life to do science together FacebookTwitter We don't chat FacebookTwitter Leonards Sarcasm Sign FacebookTwitter But they have kick ass meatballs! FacebookTwitter What kind of doctor removes shoes from asses? FacebookTwitter We may have gotten off on the wrong foot when I called you an idiot FacebookTwitter Or maybe not FacebookTwitter Sorry I am late FacebookTwitter You hypocrite FacebookTwitter Firewire or usb? FacebookTwitter I'm glad you decided to learn Mandarian FacebookTwitter123