What's the opposite of "thank you"? FacebookTwitter She's not your type. FacebookTwitter Are you Dr. House? FacebookTwitter You talk to God, you're religious. FacebookTwitter I'm not fine as in fine FacebookTwitter That's one hell of women empowering speech FacebookTwitter Just waiting for whatever is about to go wrong. FacebookTwitter I cared for eight seconds. FacebookTwitter How advanced is the pneumonia? FacebookTwitter I've heard your name FacebookTwitter He did get hit by a bullet FacebookTwitter The world is such a complicated place FacebookTwitter Do I get bonus points if I act like I care? FacebookTwitter Silent and unhappy FacebookTwitter Boys can't hold me for too long FacebookTwitter It's a basic truth of the human condition FacebookTwitter I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like you FacebookTwitter People don't get what they deserve FacebookTwitter There are three choices in this life FacebookTwitter Everybody does stupid things FacebookTwitter1