In my culture men take great pride in doing physical labour FacebookTwitter Never be afraid to reach for the stars FacebookTwitter You only get one chance at a first impression. FacebookTwitter Lily, sweetheart, let's get you dressed. FacebookTwitter I've never seen nerds swarm like this before! FacebookTwitter Store-bought mushrooms? FacebookTwitter We could cut her leg off. FacebookTwitter He was the cool dad FacebookTwitter When did you start saying FacebookTwitter I'm bored FacebookTwitter You should get a pair FacebookTwitter Today, I get to talk about the love of my life FacebookTwitter Prepare to Phil the agony FacebookTwitter We said no Stella FacebookTwitter I saw Manny take shampoos from the hotel. FacebookTwitter We locked our baby in the car FacebookTwitter Maybe you'd like a chocolate? FacebookTwitter Why does drama keep following me everywhere I go? FacebookTwitter It's sadder than I thought it would be FacebookTwitter All of a sudden Cam is calling it "our sauce"? FacebookTwitter12345