Precious FacebookTwitter I'm 23, I'm a celebrity, and today, I'm gonna die! FacebookTwitter You think you can intimidate me? I went through hell. FacebookTwitter Gotta love Gina Linetti FacebookTwitter If I die, turn my Tweets into a book! FacebookTwitter Happy May 18th everybody! FacebookTwitter So which one is it? FacebookTwitter Hi, Gina Linetti, the human form of the 100 emoji. FacebookTwitter My mother cried the day I was born FacebookTwitter You should make me your campaign manager. FacebookTwitter Every time you talk I hear that sound that plays when pacman dies. FacebookTwitter The only thing I'm not good at is modesty. FacebookTwitter How was I supposed to know FacebookTwitter Got any new baby pics? FacebookTwitter What did she look like? FacebookTwitter I told you that in confidence FacebookTwitter She told me she can stall him for at least two hours. FacebookTwitter I feel like I'm the Paris of people. FacebookTwitter I hate the ocean! FacebookTwitter They would kill for it FacebookTwitter123