You know nothing, Jon Snow. FacebookTwitter Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. FacebookTwitter The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of a sheep. FacebookTwitter First time you've seen a giant? FacebookTwitter You should kneel FacebookTwitter Can we bring you anything to eat or drink? FacebookTwitter You don't fight with honor! FacebookTwitter Oh, look at these two shining warriors. FacebookTwitter I like you pampered little shit FacebookTwitter How can a man be brave if he's afraid? FacebookTwitter Tyrion walks into a brothel with a honeycomb and a jackass. FacebookTwitter Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you. FacebookTwitter Don't get killed. FacebookTwitter A twisted demon monkey FacebookTwitter How would you like to die FacebookTwitter There is only one God FacebookTwitter The dwarf lives until we find a cock merchant! FacebookTwitter Winter is Coming FacebookTwitter Those two have their eyes on you FacebookTwitter It’s not easy being drunk all the time. FacebookTwitter234